Growing scientific interest in the field of astrophotonics

The relatively young research field astrophotonics is expanding and gaining recognition in the international scientific community. Following the initiative of members of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, the two renowned research journals JOSA B und Applied Optics published a joint issue featuring the latest developments in astrophotonics. innoFSPEC members Dr. Aline Dinkelaker und Dr. Aashia Rahman worked as guest editors and authored the introduction of the issue. Find further information here!

DinkelakerDr. Aline Dinkelaker (left) und Dr. Aashia Rahman(right). Copyright: AIP/S. Hönig



Visit to B-Cube Dresden

innoFSPEC members Dr. Nabarun Polley and Dr. Peter Werner have recently visited their collaborator Dr. Yong Xu in Dresden to perform and discuss joint experiments for the OptiZeD project. This project is a collaboration between the two Centres for Innovation Competence innoFSPEC Potsdam (PIs: Dr. Claudia Pacholski & Prof. Dr. Ilko Bald) and B-Cube Dresden (PIs: Prof. Dr. Yixin Zhang, Prof. Dr. Michael Schlierf, Prof. Dr. Stefan Diez). It aims to develop minimal invasive fibre sensors for the in-vivo diagnosis and treatment of cancer tissue. The first visit to Dresden yielded promising results. More exchanges are planned soon!

B Cube Dresden small

From left to right: Yixin Zhang, Yong Xu, Nabarun Polley, Peter Werner

Needles in a hay stack

The exploitation of early innoFSPEC research efforts from the period 2008-2014 in the area of multi-channel spectroscopy has yielded another scientific breakthrough. In a research article, published today in the Astrophysical Journal, innoFSPEC researchers, jointly with colleagues in the U.S.A., have demonstrated how imaging spectroscopy with MUSE is capable of detecting extremely faint spectral signatures of point sources in the cores of bright galaxies, see press releases at AIP and NFS’s NOIRLab. The image processing techniques developed for this breakthrough have also an impact on technology transfer to life science and medicine, viz. imaging Raman spectroscopy for micro plastic detection in human tissue.

NGC474 MUSE pointings 1

New patent on PDW Spectroscopy in progress

innoFSPEC members (and former members) Nabarun Polley, Oliver Reich and Roland Hass are in the process of patenting an aspect of their work on Photon Density Wave (PDW) spectroscopy, addressing measurement arrangements for an optical spectrometer. The patent will hopefully be received soon!

PDW Rot keliner

NanoPAT networking - welcome Emma!

We are happy to welcome Despina Emmanouilidou from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) who is visiting innoFSPEC this week for training and networking purposes within the European NanoPAT project. With her, four partners of the NanoPAT consortium from 3 different European countries (ZHAW in Switzerland, University of the Basque Country / POLYMAT in Spain, University of Potsdam and PDW Analytics from Germany) are currently present at innoFSPEC!

nanoPAT Emma group pic

Left to right: Anika Krause (PDW Analytics / UP), Usue Aspiazu (POLYMAT), Marvin Münzberg (UP), Sebastian Zimmermann (UP), Despina Emmanouilidou (ZHAW).