Visit at ABiTEP GmbH

Yesterday, innoFSPEC members Anika Krause, Anne Hartwig and Marvin Münzberg as well as Anika Bockisch from Bio-PAT e.V. visited the ABiTEP GmbH to discuss possible joint projects in the future, starting with a feasibility study of using PDW to monitor production processes at ABiTEP. We're looking forward to our collaboration!      

Besuch UP Potsdam PDW Bio PAT bei ABiTEP 1


Opening Reception of the innoFSPEC-Transferlabor

A new era is starting for innoFSPEC! While continuing with excellent fundamental and applied research in the field of spectroscopy and sensing, we will expand our focus on TRANSFER. In cooperation with Transfer Professor Hans-Hennig von Grünberg, we will constitute the innoFSPEC-Transferlabor, aiming to bring technologies developed by innoFSPEC as well as by other research groups of the faculty towards real-life applications.

We are cordially inviting you to our celebratory opening reception on Oct 21st in Golm.
Please register by e-mail to until October 7th.

Link to the event programme

Save the date1


Martin Roth about the James Webb Space Telescope

Which new possibilities provides the James Webb Space Telescope? Can it help us to investigate potential life on other planets? In an RBB inforadio interview, innoFSPEC co-founder Martin Roth gives exciting insights into cutting edge technologies in the field of astrophysics and spectroscopy. Listen here (in German).

nasa james webb

Picture of the Carina Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI.

Goodbye Nabarun!

innoFSPEC member Nabarun Polley is moving to Kolkata, starting a position as assistant professor in biomedical engineering at Adamas University, India. We will miss him and wish him all the best for his new research project. You're always welcome to visit!


NanoPAT General Assembly

After two years of project time under Covid-19 restrictions, the NanoPAT consortium was able to finally meet in person at the month 24 general assembly, hostet by innoFSPEC in Potsdam. It was a fantastic meeting, with informative presentations of the progress in the different tasks and very active discussions between the different partners! Find more details about the meeting here.

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